Journal Metrics


Citation Indicators
CiteScore 2023 (Scopus) 6.0
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) 2023 0.277
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2023 2.146
Scopus Rank
#56 of 511 journals in the category of “Communication” (Q1) Q1
#43 of 280 journals in the category of “Library and Information Sciences” (Q1) Q1
#40 of 604 journals in the category of “Social Sciences (Miscellaneous)” (Q1) Q1
#14 of 63 journals in the category of “Media Technology” (Q1) Q1
Usage Indicators
Total text views in 2023 37,432
Editorial Indicators
Acceptance rate 34%
Days to first editorial decision 5 days
Days to accept 46 days
Desk reject rate 26%