Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication

Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication
Published: 2025-01-03

Original article

  • KKU-BiblioMerge: A novel tool for multi-database integration in bibliometric analysis

    Wirapong Chansanam, Chunqiu Li
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.157
  • Growth and visibility of Latin American and Caribbean law journals (2008-2023): A focus on their language, collaboration, and open access trends

    Gergely Lendvai
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.149
  • What topics are investigated in circular economy research? A co-word analysis using hierarchical clustering

    José Luis Ausejo Sánchez, Patricia Elena Ramos La Rosa, Damaris Faviola Medina Palma, Gleny Amelia Ching Campos, Yolanda Emperatriz Maguiña Poma
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.1623
  • Scopus weighted CiteScore: A better alternative to plain CiteScore

    Atul Kumar, Amol Gawande, Shailendrakumar Kale, Akash Agarwal, Vinaydeep Brar, Shirish Raibagkar
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.170
  • Profiling the disciplinary foundation of telework research: A journal co-citation analysis

    Anibal Pinchi Vásquez, Katty Álamo Larrañaga, Teresa del Pilar Lopez Sánchez, Carlos Trigoso-García, Jerris Rojas Vela, Roger Ricardo Rengifo-Amasifen
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.179
  • Bibliometric analysis on organizational innovation research based on Scopus from 2012 to 2024

    Xinrui Xu, Zongwen Xia
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.164
  • Skills in searching for and using scientific information among physicians in the context of evidence-based practice: A descriptive study A descriptive study

    Miguel Valles-Coral, Lloy Pinedo, Jorge Raúl Navarro-Cabrera, Jorge Valverde-Iparraguirre, Richard Injante, Sarita Saavedra, Luz Karen Quintanilla-Morales, Alexander Almeida-Espinosa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.181
  • Research efficiency in Chilean universities: A look from data envelopment analysis

    Francisco Ganga-Contreras, Juan Bautista Abello Romero, Patricio Viancos González, Natalia Abello Cifras, Wendolin Suárez Amaya
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.173
  • Gender disparity in Indian library and information science journals: An analytical study

    Shiva Kumara S U, Dr. B T Sampath Kumar
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.174
  • Collaboration patterns in investment research: A two-decade analysis of Latin America's research landscape

    Azahara Sofía Chávez-Fasanando, Keller Sánchez-Dávila
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.131
  • Bibliometric analysis of public policies for older adults: A framework for defining financing and income strategies

    Rubén Carlos Alvarez Diez, Reina Margarita Vega Esparza, Verónica Arredondo Luna, María Teresa Villegas Santillán
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.132
  • The relationship between knowledge management and artificial intelligence: A thematic analysis from Scopus

    Daniel Cristóbal Andrade Girón, Santiago Ernesto Ramos y Yovera, Flor de María Garivay Torres de Salinas, Félix Gil Caro Soto, Dalila Irene Villanueva Cadenas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.1713
  • Artificial intelligence in finance studies: Bibliometric approach to literature indexed in Scopus

    William Joel Marín Rodriguez, Flor de María Lioo Jordán, Viviana Inés Vellón Flores, Timoteo Solano Armas, Elia Clorinda Andrade Girón
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.168
  • Bio-bibliometrics to analyze research output at the author level: A case study of the clinical scientist and orthopedist Dr. Raju Vaishya

    B.M.Gupta, Mallikarjun Kappi, Abhishek Vaish, Mohit Kumar Patralekh
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ijsmc.169