Call for Papers


Special issue on “Ontological tensions and epistemic challenges in the production and communication of scientific knowledge.”

(Download this call in PDF format)


In the contemporary world, the notion of science and its ontological and paradigmatic foundations necessitates introspection and further research to enhance our comprehension of the world and provide more robust explanations of reality. The advent of novel methodologies for generating knowledge has profoundly impacted the nature and scope of results and findings. We are currently observing a milieu characterized by an intricate interplay of interdisciplinary knowledge, the emergence of artificial intelligence, and the gradual dissolution of disciplinary boundaries. Contemporary challenges are increasingly characterized by their multidisciplinary nature, transnational and global dimensions, and the intersection of the subjective and objective realms. The development of research methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and data analysis techniques over the past twenty-five years has prompted the scientific community to generate knowledge that fosters greater alignment between the humanities, the sciences, and the practical applications of contemporary science. The dissemination of this knowledge and the underlying paradigms and languages that facilitate its transmission are critical issues that will be explored in this thematic issue.

Topics (not limited to):

  • Redefinition of “the scientific” in the face of emerging paradigms and hybrid approaches.
  • The tension between objectivity and subjectivity in scientific production.
  • Epistemic challenges in the construction of theoretical and methodological frameworks.
  • Tension between traditional epistemologies and innovative approaches in scientific research.
  • Epistemologies of the South and intercultural dialogues in the reconfiguration of scientific knowledge.
  • AI as a new ontology of knowledge.
  • Tensions between the human and the artificial in the validation of knowledge.
  • Epistemic challenges in the representation and communication of complex and territorial realities.
  • Tension between scientific rigor and accessibility in knowledge communication.
  • Ontological challenges in the translation and representation of complex scientific concepts.
  • Knowledge production in contexts of global inequality.
  • Ethics and responsibility in scientific communication.
  • Political and economic interests as factors of ontological tension in scientific production.

Guest editor:

Dr. Juan Guillermo Mansilla Sepúlveda, Department of Diversity and Intercultural Education, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Email:, ORCID:

Submission deadline: 1-06-2025

Important note: When submitting, please select the section "Ontological tensions."